Friday, July 24, 2009

Pecha Kucha Chicago Volume 10

On Tuesday July 21, 2009, I had the privilege of presenting at Chicago's Pecha Kucha Volume 10, which took place at the Hyde Park Arts Center on Chicago's South Side. I've been wanting to present since I saw Chicago's Volume 2 and I finally got the much anticipated email from Peter Exley in late June. HPAC was the perfect venue for the presetner and the event was a tremendous success. Peter, Kate Lorenz, and Thorsten Bosch were terrific hosts and patient with me as I stretched the deadline to submit my slides. I will post video of the show as soon as it is available but in the meantime I recommend visiting the Pecha Kucha website to learn more about the event and its history:

I hope to see you at Volume 11 at Martyrs' in Chicago on September 1!